Amber Kohlmeyer, PMHNP
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Amber Kohlmeyer is a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in LaFollette, Tennessee. She received her Master of Science degree in Nursing from Lincoln Memorial University and is pursuing her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Amber is a healthcare provider passionate about helping people and believes that mental health is as important as physical health. She believes in establishing a therapeutic provider patient relationship, understanding that each individual is unique in their treatment plan and care. She is passionate about reducing the stigma of mental health treatment and making her patients feel heard and supported. Outside of work she enjoys being with her family. She has a wonderful husband of 21 years and a basketball-loving daughter who attends college at The University of the Cumberland’s in Williamsburg, Ky. Amber enjoys reading, watching her daughter play ball, camping, traveling, going on adventures and spending time with her Australian Shepherd, Duke.